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Impeccable Placements

Education That Goes Where Your Dreams Will Not Take You

17,000+ Placements in 1,600+ Companies

We continuously strive towards facilitating campus-drives where eminent companies offer the most worth-while career opportunities.

29+ LPA Milestone Packages

Our students annually avail the most lucrative jobs which offer lucrative packages in the most distinguished industries.

About Gandhinagar University

The responsibility and power of a university is to create an enabling environment of active learning and become a centre of excellence that develops visionary leaders and passionate professionals who contribute to the community and the country. It is a endeavour that demands the courage and commitment to pursue the dream with energy and effort. Gandhinagar University is an institution of the future, holistic in its approach and determined on the use of technology to provide the best inputs for the students to achieve their potential and beyond.
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Active MOUs with Companies
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Culturally Global University

An ever growing network of strategic partnerships and collaborations with leading Universities worldwide. PU provides the most enriching global academic exposure, coupled with endless opportunities through a wide range of inbound and outbound exchange programs, across the globe.

Khatraj – Kalol Road, Moti Bhoyan, Tal. Kalol, Dist. Gandhinagar-382721.

+91 9904405900 / 01

 +91 27642 81862

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